My Technical Skills

Skill Set


I've been designing projects using Arduino since my 10th grade. I've built various projects, won competitions and even written custom software to learn more about how arduino works.

Skill level in Arduino :


I prefer Attiny for mini projects whenever I feel like Arduino is an overkill. I mostly use Attiny as a voltmeter, external memory, etc...

Skill level in Attiny :


All of my IOT projects so far were built upon ESP8266/NodeMCU. It's low power usage and flexible sleep hours along with built-in wifi module makes it perfect for IOT projects.

Skill level in ESP8266 :


I'm experienced in working with Logic Gates family of ICs, Voltage regulators, H-Bridge Drivers, OpAmps and a lot more digital and analog ICs.

Skill level in Other ICs :


IC based Digital Multimeter

A simple and cheap digital multimeter built using attiny-85, IC4026, IC7805 and a 7 segment display.

Distance to Temperature Sensor

A Temperature Sensor built using a UltraSonic Distance sensor built upon python library AMD.

Fibre Optic Communication

A Fibre Optic Communication channel between 2 Arduino capable of transmitting and receiving 8 bit of data.

IOT RackBot

An IOT robot that can automate pick ,place and search objects placed on a rack or shelf.

IR Password Safe

A remote safe unlock system built using IR sensors, Arduino and Servos.